One Training, 2 locations – From RFE to Federal Court: Latest Strategies in Defending Survivors – May 14, 2020 in Detroit, MI and June 16, 2020 in San Diego, CA

May 14th, 2020 in Detroit, MI (before the FBA conference)
June 16th, 2020 in San Diego, CA (before the AILA conference)
Join ASISTA for a one-day training where we will discuss administrative, judicial, and collaborative strategies for protecting immigrant survivors of violence in light of the current administration’s war on immigrants. In our highly interactive training, panelists will use case examples to analyze options for responding to RFEs and filing motions and appeals to USCIS in the U, T, and VAWA contexts, explore ideas for presenting effective requests for administrative stays, discuss options for removal proceedings post-Mayen, dissect litigation strategies to protect clients from unlawful agency action, and share real-life examples of how attorneys can partner with allied professionals to better serve immigrant survivors.
Panelists will include national and local experts ready to take your questions and support you with your cases!
Stay tuned for agenda and speaker info, coming soon!
● $250 Legal Worker/Non Profit (includes ASISTA members who are non profits)
● $350 ASISTA or NIPNLG Member
● $500 Private Attorney
CLE: 6.25 hrs of MI and CA CLE credit will be applied for separately.
Questions: please contact
Note: To see details on this years FBA conference (May 15-16), click here. To see details on this years AILA conference (June 17-20), click here.