ASISTA New Resource: Know Your VAWA Options: Self-Petition Compared with “Special Rule” Cancellation of Removal (Feb. 2025)

Effectively representing a survivor of domestic violence requires understanding ALL immigration options they may be able to pursue. This chart provides an at-a-glance review of the requirements for VAWA Self-Petitions and VAWA Cancellation of Removal. It also highlights situations where one may be better than the other for certain survivors, though some survivors may be…

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Letter to USCIS re VAWA SP Interview (Dec. 3, 2024)

On December 3, ASISTA submitted a letter with recommendations to USCIS regarding the commencement of VAWA Self-Petitioner interviews at local USCIS Field Offices, on behalf of the Alliance for Immigrant Survivors and over 20 national and state/local organizations working with immigrant survivors of domestic violence. ASISTA is grateful to all of the members who collaborated…

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Top Ten Things Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Advocates Should Know About Immigrant Survivors

ASISTA’s Top Ten List for domestic violence & sexual assault advocates aims to inform advocates about key concepts and barriers impacting immigrant survivors of gender-based violence, while providing resources to help overcome them. (Original, Dec. 2023; Re-designed: Sept. 2024) This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-21-GK-02240-MUMU & 15JOVW-23-GK-05161-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against…

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ASISTA Practice Pointer: Age-Out Protections in U Nonimmigrant Status (Aug. 2024)

ASISTA is pleased to release this Practice Pointer on the age-out protections for U Nonimmigrants. The age-out statute provides critical protections to U principals and derivatives, but the protections are limited in scope and often misunderstood. This Practice Pointer clarifies the scope of these age-out protections and provides practice tips for practitioners to avoid age-out for clients…

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ASISTA Practice Advisory: Addressing Late-Breaking Inadmissibility Grounds for U Visa Beneficiaries (Aug. 8, 2024)

When a U applicant or recipient fails to waive an applicable inadmissibility ground at any stage, for any reason, it puts their current and future statuses at risk. Yet there do exist strategies to address these “late-breaking” inadmissibility grounds, depending on when they come into being and when you learn of them. This practice advisory…

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ASISTA Practice Pointer: Correctly Identifying the Expiration Date of U Nonimmigrant Status (Updated February 8, 2024)

Many practitioners report uncertainty about the date their client’s U status expires because the client has multiple documents defining the validity of their status. For instance, a U derivative may have: (1) the I-797 approval notice for the principal’s I-918, (2) the I-797 approval notice for their own I-918A, (3) a U-3 (or other derivative…

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ASISTA Practice Pointer: Hot Tips for Using Service Center Hotlines and Supplementing Pending Petitions (Updated Jan. 22, 2024)

This practice pointer synthesizes the current recommendations for using USCIS “hotline emails” for customer service inquiries on cases protected by 8 USC § 1367 privacy requirements, i.e., survivor-based relief applications. This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-23-GK-05161-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and…

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ASISTA I-485 Comment (11/7/2023)

On September 8, 2023, USCIS published a revision of Form I-485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status greatly expanding the number and type of questions for applicants to complete. On November 7, 2023, ASISTA submitted a comment emphasizing the impact of these form changes on beneficiaries of survivor-based relief.

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ASISTA New Resource: Top Ten Things Criminal Defense Attorneys Should Know About Criminalized Survivors (Oct. 9, 2023)

When a noncitizen survivor faces criminal charges, their immigration prospects will be best preserved if their criminal defense attorney is well-informed about immigration fundamentals. This resource is designed to inform criminal defense attorneys and advocates of key immigration concepts and equip them with useful tips and resources to put them into action.

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Immigrant Visa Flowcharts for Derivatives of VAWA and U Principals

These four flowcharts were created by Esther Limb, Supervising Attorney at Her Justice, in connection with ASISTA’s March 2023 Virtual CLE Conference, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Derivatives.” They are current as of March 2023. The flowcharts depict the processes to follow for derivative beneficiaries and other relatives of VAWA and U petitioners,…

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ASISTA and collaborators AILA, ICWC, CAST, and ILRC delivered a letter to USCIS Re: Biometrics for U and T Visa Applicants Abroad (Feb. 2023)

On February 14, 2023 ASISTA and collaborators AILA, ICWC, CAST, and ILRC delivered a letter to USCIS raising concerns about the unavailability of biometrics appointments for U and T visa petitioners and their derivatives abroad, and the negative consequences resulting from their inability to complete application requirements, including prolonged family separation and even unfair denials…

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Brand-New: ASISTA & Ujima Release Practice Advisory on Anti-Blackness & Immigrant GBV Survivors (Feb. 2023)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 9, 2023 Contacts:  Kirsten Rambo,  Cristina Velez,  ASISTA Releases Practice Advisory on  Anti-Blackness and Immigrant Survivors of Gender-Based Violence  in Collaboration with Ujima, Inc.  The racism that pervades the US immigration system creates particular hardships for Black survivors of gender-based violence (GBV). ASISTA and Ujima, Inc. (the National Center…

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ASISTA Releases Practice Advisory on Representing Criminalized Immigrant Survivors (Jan. 2023) 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 18, 2023 Contacts:  Kirsten Rambo,  Cristina Velez,  ASISTA Releases Practice Advisory on Representing Criminalized Immigrant Survivors ASISTA has released a practice advisory for immigration practitioners that provides an introduction to the impacts of criminal-legal system contacts on eligibility for survivor-based immigration relief. Immigrant survivors may be criminalized for many reasons,…

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