Joint Statement on Recent DOJ/DHS Report

ASISTA, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-based Violence, Casa de Esperanza: National Latin@ Network, and Tahirih Justice Center issued a joint statement to the divisive and inaccurate White House statement and DOJ and DHS report issued this week, which among other things, requires the agencies to report on acts of gender-based violence committed by foreign nationals. The administration’s…

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National Taskforce to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Statement on Ending Salvadoran TPS

On January 9, 2018, the National Taskforce to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (of which ASISTA is a co-chair of the immigration sub committee) issued a statement denouncing the Administration’s termination of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for El Salvador. If expelled from the United States, many of the 200,000 individuals now protected by Salvadoran…

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Advisory Committee Report on Family Detention

The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Advisory Committee on Family Residential Centers (ACFRC) was established on July 24, 2015, and is comprised of experts in the fields of primary education, detention management, detention reform, immigration law, family and youth services, trauma-informed services, and physical and mental health. ASISTA’s Sonia Parras Konrad was appointed as a…

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