Advocacy Updates
Fee Waivers: Updates in Practice and Advocacy
December 13, 2019: Over the last week, there have been several policy updates that impact fee waiver practice and advocacy. ASISTA has compiled a brief summary to provide additional background information, practice tips, and advocacy tools for agencies.
Read MoreFighting Back USCIS Harmful New Proposed Fee Rule
ASISTA stridently opposes the proposed fee rule published in the Federal Register yesterday as it further advances the Administration’s callous agenda to create significant barriers to equal access to immigration relief. The new proposed rule makes sweeping changes, including but not limited to: I. Fee Increases An increase in fees for N-400 naturalization application, from $640 to…
Read MoreLitigation Update: Challenges to Fee Waiver Form Changes
In the beginning of November, two lawsuits were filed challenging the harmful revisions to USCIS fee waiver forms. USCIS’ new revisions limit the criteria for fee waivers and increase burdens on low-income applicants applying for immigration relief. Public Citizen on behalf of the Northwest Immigrant Rights Network field a suit in the U.S. District Court for…
Read MoreICE Letter to Congress Confirms 2011 Guidance on Victims still Effective
In September 2019, ICE responded to a letter sent by Representative Julián Castro (TX-20) and several other members of Congress about the guidance changes regarding stay of removal processes for U visa applicants. In the letter it mentions several points: ICE may join a motion to terminate for U visa applicants in removal proceedings and…
Read MoreComment Today: Voice Your Opposition to the proposed USCIS Tip Form
On August 8, 2019 the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) posted a second opportunity for notice and comment on the new USCIS Tip Form to collect information from the public regarding purported immigration fraud. At ASISTA, we are concerned about the USCIS Tip Form as it represents another tool for abusers and perpetrators of…
Read MoreNew Advocacy Tool: Tell Congress to Stand with Immigrant Survivors
ASISTA with support from the Alliance for Immigrant Survivors (AIS) has released an advocacy toolkit to help those who work with survivors engage in advocacy efforts with their member of Congress. The toolkit contains sample social media messaging as well as tips to engage your Members of Congress while they are in District. We will…
Read MorePress Statement: ASISTA Response to DHS’ New Expanded Expedited Removal Policy
For Immediate Release: July 25, 2019 – Expansion of Expedited Removal Erodes Due Process and Creates Increased Barriers for Vulnerable Survivors ASISTA denounces the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) plan to expand its ability to fast-track deportation procedures that would leave thousands, including immigrant survivors of crime, vulnerable to deportation without critical due process protections.
Read MoreServing Survivors Who May be At Risk of Immigration Enforcement Actions
ASISTA condemns the Administration’s plans for mass raids, now slated to start this Sunday. These mass immigration enforcement actions create immense fear in communities nationwide. For immigrant survivors of violence, these raids exacerbate the trauma and fear they already endure because of the abuse they have experienced. Advocates can help address this fear by providing…
Read MoreComment Opportunity: Oppose USCIS Changes to Fee Waiver Forms and Policy
On June 5, 2019, USCIS published another notice and opportunity for comment on their proposed fee waiver changes. These changes were initially proposed in September 2018, and later addressed in a second opportunity for comment in April 2019. This third notice provides additional details regarding USCIS’ rationale for adjusting the fee waiver form and practices. …
Read MorePractice Update: Implementation of NTA memo on survivor-based cases
In May and June of 2019, some practitioners have reported that USCIS issued a number of NTAs in connection with denied U and T visa applications. Given these reports, ASISTA in conjunction with CAST, Freedom Network USA, American Association of Immigration Lawyers (AILA), Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC), and Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles created…
Read MoreLetter to USCIS: Extend grace period for new I-918 Forms
On May 29, 2019 AILA and ASISTA sent a letter to USCIS leadership as well as the CIS Ombudsman expressing concern that the two-month grace period to transition to the new Form I-918 is insufficient as it will cause hardship to survivors, advocates, as well as law enforcement agencies. Read the letter here.
Read MoreASISTA and NOW Submit Opposition to USCIS Tip Form
On April 16, 2019, ASISTA and the National Organization for Women (NOW) submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed USCIS Tip Form, as the form would be a tool for abusers and perpetrators of crime to weaponize the immigration system against survivors, with impunity. Read our comment here.
Read MoreComment Today! USCIS Fraud Tip Form
On February 15, 2019 the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) published a proposed form for notice and comment to collect information from the general public regarding purported immigration fraud. At ASISTA, we are particularly concerned about this Fraud Tip form as it represents another tool for abusers and perpetrators of crime to…
Read MoreA week with Al Otro Lado
by Cecelia Friedman Levin, Senior Policy Counsel I just returned from volunteering with the Border Rights Project at Al Otro Lado in Tijuana, Mexico. At the end of each day, volunteers often shared their “highs and lows” of what they experienced during the day. In that spirit, I share my own. Lows: The inhumane, unlawful and shameful treatment…
Read MoreFee Waiver Case Collection
ASISTA is collecting stories where fee waivers for applications related to VAWA self-petitions, U visas, T visas, SIJS and other humanitarian protections have been denied, including motions to reopen/reconsider and appeals. This is the first in a series of data collection tools ASISTA is releasing to strengthen our advocacy efforts and to demonstrate the numerous…
Read MoreASISTA Joins Over 150 Organization in Opposition to Harmful Asylum Ban
This week ASISTA Immigration Assistance is privileged to join National Immigrant Justice Center, Human Rights First and over 150 organizations in submitting a comment in response to the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security adoption of an interim final rule barring access to asylum for those who enter the United States outside…
Read MorePress Statement: ASISTA Response to National Address
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 9, 2019 Contact: Ahlam Moussa, ASISTA Response to President Trump’s National Address Suffield, CT – The following is a statement from Cecelia Friedman Levin, Senior Policy Counsel at ASISTA Immigration Assistance, regarding President Trump’s National Address: President Trump’s remarks last night again demonstrate his misinformed, divisive, and anti-immigrant agenda and ignore the real…
Read MoreJudge strikes down efforts to diminish protections for asylum seekers.
ASISTA applauds the federal court decision yesterday which restores critical protections for asylum seekers fleeing domestic violence and gang brutality. The Center for Gender and Refugee Studies and ACLU challenged the Administration’s harmful expedited removal policies which instructed asylum officers to generally deny domestic violence and gang violence-related claims. ASISTA is proud to have supported the…
Read MoreASISTA opposes DHS Proposed Rule on Public Charge
On December 10, 2018, ASISTA filed a Comment on DHS’ Proposed Rule on Public Charge. DHS’ proposed rule will harm immigrant survivors of domestic and sexual violence as well as survivors of human trafficking. Access and use of public benefit programs may make the difference in whether survivors and their children can escape abuse. ASISTA opposes the…
Read MoreAnnotated Notes: USCIS Q&A on NTA Guidance Implementation
Annotated Notes on NTA Memo Implementation On November 15, 2018, USCIS held a stakeholder engagement call on the implementation of the NTA memo on survivor-based protections. ASISTA, AILA and ILRC compiled these annotated notes and practice pointers based on USCIS’ responses during that stakeholder call.
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