Posts by Maria Lazzarino
Checklist: Initial Documents Immigrant Survivors May Need (Nov. 2023)
This checklist suggests documents that social workers and advocates working with immigrant survivors may wish to help the survivors to gather. They may become useful for pending or future immigration application. Most people will not have all of these, but if your client has them, see if you can help obtain a copy. This project…
Read MoreASISTA New Resource: Top Ten Things Criminal Defense Attorneys Should Know About Criminalized Survivors (Oct. 9, 2023)
When a noncitizen survivor faces criminal charges, their immigration prospects will be best preserved if their criminal defense attorney is well-informed about immigration fundamentals. This resource is designed to inform criminal defense attorneys and advocates of key immigration concepts and equip them with useful tips and resources to put them into action.
Read MoreASISTA Notes from USCIS HART Service Center Quarterly Engagement (Sept. 22, 2023)
On September 22, 2023, USCIS held an engagement to provide an update on the Humanitarian, Adjustment, Removing Conditions and Travel Documents (HART) Service Center, which included a Q&A portion. These are ASISTA’s notes from that engagement.
Read MoreASISTA and Tahirih Justice Center letter re advocacy for health coverage for pending Us. (June 23, 2023)
On June 23, 2023, ASISTA and Tahirih Justice Center submitted a comment to the Proposed Medicare and Medicaid Services rule that would extend health benefits under the ACA to DACA recipients, welcoming the change and advocating for inclusion of U petitioners prior to BFD/waitlist adjudication. Click here to access the letter.
Read MoreASISTA Celebrates the Launch of US’s First-Ever National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV)(May 25, 2023)
Click here to access release in PDF format. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 25, 2023 Contact: Kirsten Rambo, ASISTA Celebrates the Launch of US’s First-Ever National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence (GBV) ASISTA is pleased to be at the White House complex today to witness the historic launch of the first-ever National Action Plan…
Read MoreOverview of the New Humanitarian, Adjustment, Removing Conditions and Travel Documents (HART) Service Center (April 20, 2023)
On April 20, 2023, USCIS held an engagement to provide an overview of the new Humanitarian, Adjustment, Removing Conditions and Travel Documents (HART) Service Center, which included a Q&A portion. These are ASISTA’s notes from that engagement.
Read MoreImmigrant Visa Flowcharts for Derivatives of VAWA and U Principals
These four flowcharts were created by Esther Limb, Supervising Attorney at Her Justice, in connection with ASISTA’s March 2023 Virtual CLE Conference, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Derivatives.” They are current as of March 2023. The flowcharts depict the processes to follow for derivative beneficiaries and other relatives of VAWA and U petitioners,…
Read MoreASISTA and collaborators AILA, ICWC, CAST, and ILRC delivered a letter to USCIS Re: Biometrics for U and T Visa Applicants Abroad (Feb. 2023)
On February 14, 2023 ASISTA and collaborators AILA, ICWC, CAST, and ILRC delivered a letter to USCIS raising concerns about the unavailability of biometrics appointments for U and T visa petitioners and their derivatives abroad, and the negative consequences resulting from their inability to complete application requirements, including prolonged family separation and even unfair denials…
Read MoreLetter to DOJ from anti-violence community (Dec. 2022)
ASISTA and the Alliance for Immigrant Survivors led a sign on letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland urging him to vacate and overrule three precedents that prevent immigration adjudicators from respecting post-conviction or sentencing relief granted to immigrant survivors under state and federal law. The letter, which was joined by 68 organizations and 13 individuals,…
Read MoreNew Resource: ASISTA’s Flyer: Services to OVW Grantees & Sub-grantees (Updated Nov. 2022)
The updated ASISTA’s Flyer has direct links to the orientation session recording and other service for OVW LAV grantees/sub-grantees and STOP sub-grantees.
Read MoreUSCIS Reliance on Arrest Reports is Harmful to LGBTQ+ Immigrant Survivors: ASISTA Provides Feedback to the DHS Commission on Combating Gender-Based Violence
USCIS Reliance on Arrest Reports is Harmful to LGBTQ+ Immigrant Survivors: ASISTA Provides Feedback to the DHS Commission on Combating Gender-Based Violence (June 2020)
Read MoreRecommendations to the EOIR and BIA practice manuals (June 2022)
Recommendations for Updates to the EOIR Immigration Court Practice Manual and Board of Immigration Appeals Practice Manual, were submitted on June 7, 2022, by the following organizations: ASISTA Immigration Assistance, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, Freedom Network USA, National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project (NIWAP), Ujima Inc., The National Center on Violence Against Women in…
Read MoreVAWA Practice Advisory: VAWA Self-Petition Policy Updates (June 2022)
ASISTA, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (“ILRC”), and Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (“CLINIC”) co-authored the VAWA Practice Advisory: VAWA Self-Petition Policy Updates. Click here to access the Executive Summary: VAWA Self-Petition Policy Updates (June 2022), and here to download the practice advisory in Word version. This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-21-GK-02240-MUMU awarded…
Read MoreBIA Amicus Brief of Motions to Reopen Based on Criminal Vacatur (April 27, 2022)
Brief of Amici Curiae ASISTA Immigration Assistance, Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, Esperanza United, and Tahirih Justice Center in support of the BIA’s consideration of the impacts of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, or other forms of gender-based violence when determining whether to grant and untimely motion to reopen premised on a vacatur…
Read MoreASISTA’s comment on the I-751 (April 20, 2022)
On April 20, 2022, ASISTA submitted this comment in response to the “Agency Information Collection Activities; Extension, Without a Change, of a Currently Approved Collection: Petition To Remove the Conditions on Residence,” initially published in the Federal Register on October 15, 20211 and reopened for 30 days for additional public comments on March 21, 2022.
Read MoreComment on 3 USCIS-PM D, Violence Against Women Act (March 10, 2022)
Click here to access ASISTA’s full comment on USCIS Policy Manual Changes: Volume 3: Humanitarian Protection and Parole, Part D, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
Read MoreAmicus Brief in V.U.C., et al. v. USCIS (1st Circuit)(Dec. 8, 2021)
ASISTA and other amici filed this brief regarding USCIS’s unreasonable delay in adjudicating U visa work authorization requests. Amici were represented pro bono by Nathan Warecki, Brianna Nassif, Lauren Maynard, and Myra Benjamin from Nixon Peabody. Click here to access the amicus brief.
Read MoreAdvisory on new T Visa sections of the USCIS Policy Manual (November 2021)
ASISTA and CAST developed this advisory to highlight significant changes to the T visa section of the USCIS Policy Manual that went into effect on October 20, 2021. Changes include: Additional guidance on the intersections between trafficking/domestic violence and trafficking/smuggling; Physical presence on account of trafficking; Extended work authorization when filing a timely I-485 under…
ASISTA Weighs in on Barriers to Benefits for Immigrant Survivors (Oct. 18, 2021)
On October 18, 2021, ASISTA submitted a comment to DOS in response to a Request for Public Input identifying barriers that impede access to immigration benefits, fair and efficient adjudications of these benefits, and recommendations on how to remove these barriers. We focused our comment on the challenges immigrant survivors and their derivatives face when consular processing. Thank you to our…
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