asista legacy guild

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The ASISTA Legacy Guild provides an opportunity for you to personally build on the legacy of ASISTA's co-founders, by making a planned gift to reshape the lives of immigrant survivors. 

What is Planned Giving? Also known as Legacy Giving, planned giving allows friends and allies of ASISTA to provide long-term, sustainable support via:

  • Bequests in your will
  • Charitable IRA Rollovers
  • Donor-Advised Funds
  • and more--typically with great tax benefits to you, the donor.

With your planned gift, survivors can live free of prejudice and injustice, and look forward to a future full of promise.  

Click to watch Co-founders Sonia Parras Konrad and Gail Pendleton explain how your planned gift will help ASISTA sustain its life-changing work. By making a planned gift, you will honor and support the trailblazing vision of our Co-founders and the current ASISTA team for years to come

Benefits of membership in the ASISTA Legacy Guild include a place of honor on our Legacy Wall, special events just for Legacy Guild members, and more. Contact us to learn more about membership benefits and to start planning your gift today. 

How can you be a part of ASISTA's future? View the planned gift options below to get started.

Types of Planned Gifts
A bequest is making a gift through your will of cash, securities, real estate or personal property of your estate. It is one of the most popular methods to make an estate gift and one of the most significant ways donors can support ASISTA. Contact us for sample language to include. 
Beneficiary Designations:

You can name ASISTA as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance or insurance annuity assets. Click here for 3 Steps to Make a Beneficiary Gift.

Charitable IRA Rollover:

The now-permanent IRA Charitable Rollover provision allows friends of ASISTA to reduce their taxable income, achieve charitable giving goals and satisfy their required minimum distribution – all in one transaction. If you are over age 70 1⁄2, you can donate up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to ASISTA without triggering any federal income taxes. Contact us for language you can use to notify your IRA administrator of your intention to make a charitable distribution from your IRA to ASISTA Immigrant Assistance via check or wire transfer.

Gifts of Stock:

Make a donation of stock to ASISTA.

  • Send to Vanguard Investments
    • Name on Account: ASISTA Immigrant Assistance
    • Account#: 2050 0699-88189948458. If needed, contact for more details.


If you have already planned a gift to ASISTA, or for more information on planning a gift to ASISTA, please contact Kirsten Rambo at 860-758-0733 or