Policy Updates Affecting Immigrant Survivors
Aug 28, 2024 2:00PM—4:00PM
Cost Free and Open to OVW LAV grantees/sub-grantees, ELSI grantees, STOP sub-grantees, and potential grantees
Event Contact Maria Lazzarino | Email
Categories OVW Webinars

OVW Webinar
Join us for a CLE Webinar
Policy Updates Affecting Immigrant Survivors
Wednesday, August 28, 2024, from 2-4pm ET
(1-3pm CT/12-2pm MT/11am-1pm PT/8-10am HT)
This intermediate-level webinar will cover updates in federal policy affecting immigrant survivors of gender-based violence. Presenters will discuss the new “Parole-in-Place” program for undocumented spouses of U.S. Citizens, Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE), USCIS’s final fee rule, USCIS Policy Manual changes regarding I-751 waivers for Conditional Lawful Permanent Residents, the proposed Working for Immigrant Safety and Empowerment (“WISE”) Act, ASISTA’s policy advocacy on issues affecting immigrant survivors, and other pertinent updates.
- Kelly Byrne, Staff Attorney, ASISTA Immigration Assistance
- Cristina Velez, Legal & Policy Director, ASISTA Immigration Assistance
Note: An application for 2 TX MCLE credit hours is pending.
Who can participate in this webinar? ASISTA is offering this webinar to OVW LAV grantees/sub-grantees, ELSI grantees, STOP sub-grantees, and potential grantees.
Please contact Maria Lazzarino at manager@asistahelp.org with any questions.
This project was supported by Grant No.15JOVW-23-GK-05161-MUMU awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.